© 2009 Constance Hobbs. All rights reserved.
Ordinary life, everyday things that need to get done, can be so demanding on one's time. I have often marveled at people who thrive on routine, living with certainty about their days, weeks and months ahead. By contrast, I have friends who practically destroy their lives in an effort to avoid anything that resembles routine and boredom. Then there are the rest of us, striving to achieve a balance between what needs to get done and our photography and art. Most artistic people simply want to make their art, do their work and not be involved in the "business of art". Of course, the business of art is necessary in order to thrive and continue as an artist. So how does one strike this balance? I think with patience and diligence. People don't seem to talk about diligence anymore. Diligence may be underrated but extremely necessary for success of any kind. To keep at something, experimenting, changing, adapting, but most importantly to keep doing the work. Diligence also implies the love of something. It's hard to hang in, if you're not in love. I've often had older, wiser people then I say, "if you do the work, hang in there, then the rest will follow". They just neglected to say if they meant to hang in there for one year, ten years or twenty?!