© 2009 Constance Hobbs. All rights reserved.
I was thinking about the earth rotating around the sun. Isn't this our concept of time, day and night? How long it takes us to sling shot around the sun with the momentum from the Big Bang. The Big Bang occurred some 13.7 billion years ago. This sequence of events following each other, day after day and night after night, is what we call time. What would happen if the earth got tired just a tad and slowed down just a tad? Well, never mind, let's not think about that.
© 2009 Constance Hobbs. All rights reserved.
Our concept of time then, is nothing more then a constant rotation around the sun. So is there really any time at all besides that? Can we define it as a specific event or a thing? It seems to me we are in constant motion spinning, whirling, rotating and going no where.
© 2009 Constance Hobbs. All rights reserved.
What about the past? What happened to all that millennia of time that's gone by? The history of all that has happened since the Big Bang. Is there some vast reservoir that holds the past? Or is that reservoir only in our minds? If it exists in our minds, it must take up a lot of space. What's the value of carrying around this reservoir? Particular knowledge of where we live and so forth is important, but what about the rest? Tons of useless experiences of hurts or pleasantries that may be propelling us forward, hurling us along on a trajectory that may be false.
© 2009 Constance Hobbs. All rights reserved.
Has our past already become ashes, useless debris in the brain taking up space? If so, what can we do about it? I have experimented with this and it isn't easy. When you try to live without your past you are trying to live without your own identity. Who you "think" you are. But that's really just a story, isn't it? A certain sequence of events and experiences that no longer exist and makes up who we think we are. Are you and I merely a sequence of events? Experiences that have already turned to ashes? At first its scary to experiment with this but as time goes on it becomes a fun game. Its very challenging.
© 2009 Constance Hobbs. All rights reserved.
Scientists believe that we use only a small portion of our brains. Is it because the past, time, takes up so much space? It's like a room filled with old furniture. You have to move out all the old furniture to give space for new possibilities. I like what quantum physicists call human beings. Bubbling bits of energy and possibility. Totally cool. Totally awesome.
Now, there might have been time before the Big Bang. Scientists really don't know for sure. The Big Bang is a theory supported by some good evidence, but a theory non-the-less. Our concept of time is very small, day, night, and what we perceive as a sequence of events. It's our small world. A concept of time as everything or nothing is huge. Or the idea that the Universe is limited or limitless. It's fun to try to imagine a limitless universe. I do like one concept of time though. To tell time by the beat of ones own heart, now that's lovely.