Saturday, February 20, 2010

Winter's Melancholy

© 2010 Constance Hobbs. All rights reserved.

Winter is on the wane. Of course, we all know it can snow heavily in March, as winter makes its last effort to affirm her power. This is my birthday month which helps abate the melancholy spirit of February. One gets weary of winter about now and spring is still a way off. That's why this is such a popular month for tropical vacations. It's their high season. Skiing is popular too. If you go to the Geneva airport here you will see lots of foreigners arriving with their skiing gear. There is plenty of snow this season in the Alps so they won't be disappointed. We had one lovely sunny day here in Geneva this past week with 50 degree F. temperature. One could feel that spring is just around the corner. I'm really partial to the renewal of spring. It always holds such promise.

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