© 2010 Constance Hobbs. All rights reserved.
Everything in Florida grows vigorously. Look at this bird. I suppose it's a healthy hawk of some kind, can't be sure. The wing span must be about 3 feet. They fly over head frequently and sometimes quite low. The other evening was simply beautiful. I was outside enjoying the weather when I noticed high above me maybe 50 or so of these hawks swarming about.

© 2010 Constance Hobbs. All rights reserved.
Eventually they started swooping down in copious numbers. I wondered what they were doing? Hunting for food? They were circling over the neighbors house when suddenly I heard their dogs barking and shrieking, making an awful racket. I wasn't able to see what was happening but all I could think is that the birds were after their small dogs. Either after the dogs themselves or their food. There's a preserve not far from here called Grassy Waters. I've been contemplating going there to photograph. My only deterrent is that they have alligators and I heard they are frisky this time of year. It is not a zoo where there are protective barricades. This is a natural habitat. Scary for a northern girl like me.
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