I don't know whose image this so I can't place credit.
Yesterday I was reading reviews of new books on bookforum.com concerning the universe. It's amazing to realize, that with all the fancy technology and instruments available today, 80 percent of the universe still remains a mystery. Last night I mentioned to my husband, how from time to time, I envision all of us on this planet hanging in black, dark, cold space. The beautiful earth just hanging there unsupported, (I know about gravity silly, I'm taking poetic license here). My husband added, we're also tilted spinning at approximately 1000 miles per hour and hurdling thru space around the sun at 65,000 miles per hour. Now, I don't know about you, but these facts blow my mind. What's the impetus behind all this incredible activity and life? Of course, most of us were raised to immediately answer God. Which may or may not be a fact. I won't venture down that road today. I just wanted to point out the mystery of it all. So, be nice to everyone you meet today, after all, we're in this together.
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